Articles by


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]

Company life

7 Tips to Manage your Stress at Work

Deadlines, pressure from managers, results to be achieved, difficult customers, colleagues with anxieties, difficult period for the company…  There are many stress factors at work and for the most part they are out of your control. But there are some that you can take action on and others that you can learn to put in […]


Will your plane have a pilot in 2027 ? Shortage of Pilots in the Canadian Aeronautical Industry

Will your plane have a pilot in 2027? To meet global demand, airline companies currently hire dozens of pilots every day! Do you dream of being a pilot? That bodes well how do you become a professional pilot and what are the real job prospects? Reports from CAE and Boeing, released in the summer of 2017, […]

Oddly enough

Delta receives 22,000 applications for 300 flight attendant openings

Delta Airlines received no less than 22,000 applications for 300 cabin crew openings in one week, “at the rate of 2 CVs per minute”, reported the American company’s CEO. In 2010, the company had received a similar tsunami, with 100,000 applications for 1,000 openings advertised. US Airways experienced a similar phenomenon with 14,000 applications for […]

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